TIF – keep appropriate parameters:
- format 1:1,
- bleeds, 3 mm on each side,
- resolution of 350 dpi,
- CMYK colours without embedded additional profiles (or a specified profile “Coated Fogra 39 (ISO 12647-2): 2004),”
- without layers – flattened,
- recommended compression: LZW or compressed ZIP,
- design centred on a page,
- distance of graphic objects and texts from a cutting line at least 3 mm. (catalogues and files 5 mm)
- If there are cutting lines of work, they should be away a gross area.
- All bitmaps should be saved in CMYK 8 bit per channel. In the case of 16 or 32 bit, errors may occur, for which the Printing House BEST PRINT is not responsible
JPG – keep appropriate parameters:
- format 1:1,
- bleeds, 3 mm on each side,
- resolution of 350 dpi,
- CMYK colour without embedded additional profiles (or a specified profile “Coated Fogra 39 (ISO 12647-2): 2004),”
- design centred on a page.
- distance of graphic objects and texts from a cutting line min. 3 mm (catalogues and files recommended 5 mm)
- If there are cutting lines of work, they should be away a gross area.
- All bitmaps should be saved in CMYK 8 bit per channel. In the case of 16 or 32 bit, errors may occur, for which the Printing House BEST PRINT is not responsible
PDF – PrePress – compatibility: Acrobat 4 (PDF 1.3)
- all fonts converted to curves,
- bleeds, 3 mm on each side,
- If there are bitmaps, they should be properly saved in a 1:1 scale,
- resolution of 350 dpi (works are exposed at the screen ruling 175 lpi)
- CMYK colour without embedded additional profiles (or a specified profile “Coated Fogra 39 (ISO 12647-2): 2004),”
- design centred on a page,
- distance of graphic objects and texts from a cutting line min. 3 mm (catalogues and files recommended 5 mm)
- If there are cutting lines of work, they should be away a gross area.
- All bitmaps in PDF should be saved in CMYK 8 bit per channel. In the case of 16 or 32 bit, errors may occur, for which the Printing House BEST PRINT is not responsible
- When printing text in black printed on a background, it is necessary to overprint, when printing white text on a black background, it is necessary to enable trapping, black background should be prepared in the values of C60%, M60%, Y60%, K100 %
Printing House BEST PRINT IS NOT responsible for works, in which fonts are not converted to curves.
In connection with the possibility of errors in the generation of PDF files in a vector form, and not as a bitmap with Adobe Photoshop, resulting files from Adobe Photoshop should be saved as TIFF without layers – flattened. Printing House BEST PRINT IS NOT responsible for wrongly generated PDF files with Adobe Photoshop and wrongly generated files by Adobe Photoshop converted by other software, e.g. Adobe Indesign.
Properly prepared PDF (PDFs – PrePress):
- acrobat 4 version 1.3,
- images 350dpi,
- vectors 2400dpi,
- bleeds, 3 mm + cutting lines
- catalogues and brochures – pages in order 1,2,3 ... etc. (no folds)
- whole CMYK,
- detailed descriptions of files, i.e. Katalog_X_Srodki.pdf Katalog_X_Okładka.pdf (where x = name)
- foldable leaflets, prepared based on designs
- design centred on a page.
- fonts converted to curves
Printing House BEST PRINT is not responsible for differences in colour due to the conversion of colour spaces other than CMYK and spot colours (e.g. Pantone, HKS, etc.) to CMYK colour space.
ICC profiles embedded in a work will be automatically converted to CMYK using the profile “ISO Coated v2 (ISO 12647-2): 2004” coated papers and “PSO Uncoated (ISO 12647-2): 2004”, uncoated papers for the reference profile of Printing House BEST PRINT. This applies to all file formats accepted by the Printing House BEST PRINT.
By providing the data inconsistent with a colour space (profile) required in this specification, a customer agrees to convert and will be responsible for any deviations from colour in this respect.
printing black aplas: K100%, C60%, Y60%, M60% (if texts do not have trapping, they will be automatically added by printers)
dies: marked with PANTONE colour necessarily printed (overprint) or placed on a separate page clearly described with CUT, knives and creasing and perforating colour-coded)
UV varnish: marked with PANTONE colour necessarily printed (overprint) or placed on a separate page clearly described UV VARNISH, 100% cover
hot-stamping: marked with PANTONE colour necessarily printed (overprint) or placed on a separate page clearly described HOT STAMPING, 100% cover
stamping: marked with PANTONE colour necessarily printed (overprint) or placed on a separate page clearly described STAMPING and adding: concave or convex, 100% cover
Formats: For a work to be smaller than a size of a selected format, provide a text file (.txt) zipped with a work, a file should include a size of a format of a work.
Catalogues and brochures to be sent in PDF format by page (no folds)
Each page should contain:
- cutting lines according to a format compatible with a format of publication;
- a description of additional colours if any;
- description of a page number (catalogues, brochures) in the area outside cutting lines if a work does not have pagination.
Elements printed with bleed (allowance) should go beyond a cutting line at least 3 mm (as for stitching binding, 5 mm is recommended).
In terms of advertisings, due to the possibility to print on even and odd pages, bleeds should be on all sides.
If you want to print 4/4 with the same print for both sides, please, prepare a file with the same two pages or load the same two files.
Your own text or graphic elements should be located at a distance of less than 3 mm from a cutting line (recommended 5mm) over 32 pages with a sewn binding 5mm (recommended 8mm).
For sewn binding, take into account the physical phenomenon of reducing a page size inside. At a request of a customer, the printing house corrects, at the stage of installation, position of pages to compensate an effect of thickness of a ridge. The correction is calculated only based on a weight of paper. This option is not possible to be carried out for centre spreads. It causes taking an image along a ridge line, the close pagina is to the centre of a copy, the more. In such cases, it is assumed automatically that a layout/design of a page allows for the operation..
Selective varnish should be prepared on a separate sheet/page.
Varnished places should be filled with 100% CMYK aplas (black colour recommended).
Note! The margin of error when cutting can be up to 2mm! Keep 1 cm distance from a format line for essential graphics elements on a page (especially long, parallel to a page edge).
In the case of glued binding, remember that pages 2 and 3 of a cover, and the 1st and last page of insert will have glued 6 mm from a ridge due to side gluing. Therefore, the minimum distance of graphics elements and a text should be 10 mm. Inside a publication, keep also a minimum distance of 10 mm.
Information about checks in blocks:
- Blocks checks in greys should be 0.2 mm – 20% black, and 0.12 – 35% black.
- Below, a raster point can disappear and lines are incomplete or blocks checks 100% black line can have a minimum width of 0.05 mm.
An effective format of centre spreads in a copy with glued binding is less than the nominal due to incomplete opening of a book. Correction (doubling an image at the inner edge of a page) should be included in a file. With reference to PUR catalogues and glued catalogues with hot-melt methods, 3 mm bleeds should be from outside, but if pages (the second cover page of 1 centre, and the last page of centres with the 3rd cover page (internal)) are prepared with graphics (centre spread), a doubled element should be 6 mm from the inside. The printing house does not correct page layout or format.
A watermark should be prepared with a minimum area coverage of 8% for black or all CMYK channels.
Note! 100% black objects are overprinted; other overprints are removed (Always knockout).
Poligrafia Fabisiak printing house is not responsible for overprints or no overprints in other colours preset at work.
Works are automatically rotated to the left/right. We do not rotate works up/down. Printing House Poligrafia Fabisiak is not responsible for incorrectly rotated pages.